Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Top 11 benefits of video games for you and your kids

Regularly, after a sordid news item, video games are blamed as the roots of evil, those objects of the devil that trivialize brutality and desecrate respect for human life. Because for many: Video Games = Doom and virtual violence => real violence, in the malleable and fragile spirit of our youth. But it would hide the benefits of this kind of entertainment, which is not necessarily violent and may be more stimulating than a night of viewing DOT. Some researchers seem in any case to have studied the subject:

Video games develop the volume of gray matter
To have an doormen brain, no need to swallow encyclopedias, just play Super Mario. This is basically the conclusion of a German study that stuck a group of players in front of a Nintendo 64 for 30 minutes a day for two months. This growth develops the spatial orientation, the formation of the memory, the setting up of strategies, as well as on the motor faculties. A strange phrase in the presentation of the study: the desire to play video games shows a desire to increase its brain volume.

Video games reduce pain and stress
A 2010 study tells us that video gaming has allowed patients forced to undergo chemotherapy to overcome stress and be better prepared to lead the fight against the disease. More surprisingly, burn victims, according to the same source, have better coped with the pain by immersing themselves in the joys of the virtual worlds on the console Video games improve academic results and for more information please use this guide Little Big Snake

If you refuse to give in to your child's requests for fear that games will take precedence over homework, you are wrong: according to a study conducted by a researcher in Niort , a child with console at home is 4 times less likely to repeat than his private videogame. If the researcher believes that the qualities developed by the practice of these games is ultimately used for nothing other than playing video games, he points out that a kid who manages to stay focused and immobile for hours of games will have less struggling to endure the endless hours of classes without thinking of recess.
Video games develop social skills
Well, here, the two researchers published by the American Psychologist are a little less convincing, since they put in the same bag Farmville and World of Warcraft after citing as reference Angry Birds a few more lines above. Nevertheless, their argument is that the tendency of games to be cooperative, even hyper-violent, is reflected in the behavior of afk players.

Video games speed up the decision process
The University of Rochester is pretty proud of its discovery: you need 25% less time to make an important decision when you're up to video games. Videoludic practice would develop the ability to answer a given problem by an algorithm by breaking it into simpler questions.

Video games help to understand 3D
Certainly a consequence of point 1, the same study underlines that girls, a priori less comfortable in geometry in space (oh well? ...) are back on track boys through the practice of video games. This phenomenon would be observed in adults and not only in children.
Video games slow the aging process
The University of Iowa may have found the secret of eternal life: 2 hours of joystick a day, it keeps you a very bright brain away from the destructive work of years passing. Even though the test was conducted with a game specially designed for the experience

Video games would help dyslexic children to read
The Italian University that laid this study used an original method. Children were split into two groups, the first ones playing a boring trick, like monopoly online, and the others playing something a little more alive, in this case Rayman . And it turns out that they showed better reading skills at the end of the experiment. The ability of these games to quickly demand the attention of the players seems beneficial, and the reflection, it's okay 5 minutes, but that's not enough.
Video games improve the view
Finally, not all, only Medal of Honor . It's still at the University of Rochester , where we seem to have to fuck, we found that. It seems that the search for an enemy to go down or the snakes of snipers develop visual skills. If no ophthalmologist has told you "continue to spend 16 hours a day in front of your PC, and in a year, you will not need glasses" is that the info has not yet passed.

Image result for little big snake game pi9cs

Video games reduce painful memories
In any case the game Tetris, according to a British study . Guinea pigs were asked to watch a traumatic film and half of them played the famous Game Boy game over the next few days. And surprise, gamers have less horrible flashbacks after stacking a few bricks. Tetris, better than alcohol to forget.
Video games make more intelligent, but not all
A university in London has conducted a basic experiment: to play a group of people to Starcraft , real-time strategy game and another to the Sims , simulator of life. Well believe it or not, the people who played the strategy game then showed greater cognitive flexibility, the ability to move efficiently from one task to another, than those who played the game completely con. It was well worth it to spin them a fellowship to reach this conclusion.

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